Sunday, 24 January 2021

Post-COVID-19 Business And Workforce Management

 Post-COVID-19 Business And Workforce Management


It's been a long wait, during the Covid-19 Pandemic and the subsequent lock down which really crippled the very life of people. This includes, personal life, Business, Economy, Health and the very well-being of every citizen be it in India or abroad. This as we all know transcended all boundaries and was a World Pandemic. 

We are thankful though, that through the persistence and perseverance of all people and governments, we are on a much better platform today, notwithstanding the continued precautions and risks that we are still going through. But with time passing by, we have come out of the severe lock downs and Business and life are slowly coming back to normal if not better situations. 

In this post I will only be giving a bird-eye-view of how this pandemic basically affected  Business and the Workforce, and how we are now coping with it with a newfound resilience, and routine. The solutions may not apply to each and every business but will only be a guideline to know how and where we stand, and what changes would be required. 

Significant uncertainty surrounds what the “new normal” could look like for firms beyond the COVID-19 crisis, particularly in terms of the new approach to Business Management and Workforce Management and Routine of working itself.

Winning Organizations so to say - those who have overcome to a large extent the challenges of the Post Covid-19 crisis, have laid down certain guidelines maybe based on those provided by WHO and applied to their own work scenario. As mentioned above this post is only a small introduction to some of the topics, and subsequent posts will elaborate on each Topic and subject.

WHO - has given some amazing Guidelines on how to manage your workforce during Covid-19 crisis, the link below will take you to that article.

How to manage your workplace - during COVID-19?

This second article which I found really well laid out and giving an elaborate explanation was:

Planning for the Post-COVID-19 Workforce: Four Scenarios 

A third one gives out specific points on which the complete scenario has changed:

5 ways COVID-19 has changed workforce management.

On a conclusive note for this introductory post, it would suffice to say that the key point that would be targeted to lay out a safe and perfect Business and Workforce Management Plan Post Covid-19 pandemic would like on the following notes:

  • Primary and Key Objective - Individual and Social Well-being and Safety.(Social Distancing).
  • Changing Leadership and Management Competencies.

  • Rapid Re-skilling and training of Workforce to match the changed scenario.
  • Shift to Hi-Tech, Contact less work programs and systems. 
  • Implementation, Monitoring, and Adapting to changing Environment.
  • Total transparency and Acceptance to Constant Change.
This is an uphill task and one that will test the patience and perseverance of all involved, but the larger picture being survival of the fittest, both in terms of Business and Workforce will definitely bring about a total new outlook to Business and Workforce Management as a whole.

Keep a watch for my subsequent posts related to the above topic as well as some new surprises coming your way.

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